YOWLI BURUNDI funded activities, National and International Events Participation Report





Source of funding



 August 24-4 September 2013

Awareness of safer sexual behaviors for HIV transmission in academia

SEP / CNLS via USLS (Unité Sectorielle de Lutte contre le SIDA) in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

New laureates (BAC I) of the Academic Year 2012-2013: University of Burundi (Campus Mutanga Kiriri Kamenge Rohero, Zege Avenue du large) and the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS).

2423 students (new laureates) were sensitized directly.

2-6 September, 2013

Training of peer educators on HIV / AIDS and other STIs, FP / RH and GBV (Centre Tereziya Mushasha)

UNFPA Burundi (United Nations Fund for Population Agency)


15  YOWLI BURUNDI Members were trained

17-27 June, 2013

Training of peer educators on HIV / AIDS and other STIs, FP / RH and GBV (Sun Safari Club Hotel in Bujumbura)

UNFPA Burundi (United Nations Fund for Population Agency)


33 YOWLI BURUNDI Members were trained

24-27 April, 2013

Workshop reflection on the role of the female participation in the fight against HIV / AIDS and sexual violence

AWOMI(African Women’s Millennium Initiative)

Young women  members of YOWLI BURUNDI from Public and Private Universities

20 girls were trained

13 December 2012- 21 January 2013

Awareness of the role of gender-based violence in the spread of the AIDS virus in academia.

SEP/CNLS via USLS (Unité Sectorielle de Lutte contre le SIDA) in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Students from Private  Universities: (i) Campus Mutanga et Kinido de l’Université Lumière de Bujumbura (ii) Campus Rohero de l’Universté Martin Luther king (iii) Campus Rohero et Kiremba de l’Université des Grands Lacs (iv) Campus Kigobe et Rohero de l’Université du Lac Tanganyika (v) Campus Asiatique de l’Université Sagesse d’Afrique (vi) Campus Buyenzi de l’Institut National de Santé Public(INSP) (vii) Campus Kanyami et Gisagara de l’Université de Ngozi (viii) Campus Kibumbu de l’Université de Mwaro

12347 Students were  directly senzitized.

21-28 April, 2012

Day of reflection on the role of the University students in the fight against the pandemic of HIV / AIDS in academia and outside these

SEP/CNLS via USLS (Unite Sectorielle de Lutte contre le SIDA) in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Students of the public University, 5 campus (Campus Mutanga, Kiriri, Rohero, Zege) and« Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) »

4632 students were directly reached

October 2013- Present

Awareness campaigns on RH/FP, HIV, conservation and proper use of condoms in academia

UNFPA Burundi (United Nations Fund for Population Agency)

Students of University of Burundi (Campus Mutanga, Kamenge, Kiriri et Campus Zege de Gitega), University of Ngozi and Hope Africa University



Installation sites supply of male and feminine Condoms

UNFPA Burundi (United Nations Fund for Population Agency)

Students of University of Burundi (Campus Mutanga, Kamenge, Kiriri et Campus Zege de Gitega), University of Ngozi and Hope Africa University




 A.Participation in national workshops



Date and venue



Spreading out workshop of the provisional report of the mid-term review of the “Programme  de Cooperation Burundi – UNFPA” (2010-2014)

Hôtel Club du Lac Tanganyika, 18 to 21of June 2013.

UNFPA and the Government of Burundi (Ministère des Relations Extérieures et de la Coopération Internationale, MRECI)

Get an overview of the Results obtained in the framework of the implementation of the 7th Programme of Cooperation  Burundi - UNFPA  considering available resources and desired results;

Make recommendations that will allow the program to align the new priorities of the government through the CSLP II and the revised UNDAF, as well as strict Alignemenent of the program to the level of the Business Plan of UNFPA Strategic Plan and the Family Planning 2012 – 2020.

Regional Diagnostic Report on Education and Services for Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Young People in Eastern and Southern Africa: Invitation a l’Atelier de validation du rapport sur le Burundi



The House of UNESCO for Culture of Peace in Burundi in collaboration with MHESR, MEBSEMPFA MSPLS

National report validation on HIV / AIDS and sexual education and services in matters of youth Reproduction health in Burundi ( part of a comprehensive report covering 21 countries in East Africa and Southern developed in March 2013)

Validation Workshop of the Sector Policy on HIV / AIDS for the Education Sector in the formal and non-formal.

Centre Tereziya de Gitega ; April 24 to 26, 2013

The House of the UNESCO Culture for Peace in Burundi in collaboration with MHESR, MEBSEMPFA and SEP / CNLS

Validation of the Sector Policy in matters of HIV / AIDS in the sector of formal and non-formal education 2013 – 2018.

activities Planning workshop for 2013 (Annual Work Plan 2013)

Hôtel King’s Conference Center on March 13-14, 2013.


UNFPA and the Government of Burundi (Ministere des Relations Exterieures et de la Cooperation Iinternationale MRECI)

To highlight the evidence achievements of the year 2012, the lessons learned, challenges to face;
Define priorities and develop the annual work plans for 2013 in accordance with the Cooperation Programme UNFPA - Burundi signed on February 12, 2010

Validation Workshop of the national report on the implementation of the PA /ICPD Programme in Burundi


 UN Information Centre in Bujumbura,  Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012.

UNFPA and the Government of Burundi (Ministry of External Relations and the International Cooperation)

To analyze the national report on the implementation of the ICPD Programme especially at points on the measures taken, the realized progress and priorities for the future;
Report validation



B. Participation in international events




Date and venue



The « Towards an HIV Cure Symposium » and the « 7th International AIDS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention 

Kuala Lumpur; Malaysia, 29 June – 3 July 2013

International AIDS Society (IAS) and the Centre of Excellence for Research in AIDS (CERiA) Malaysia.

Analyze: the latest HIV scientific discoveries and biomedical and its applications to clinical practice and prevention worldwide, the new knowledge on vulnerability to HIV, disease progression and prevention worldwide, provided opportunities for professional development, research collaboration, debate and dialogue between  HIV professionals, and the public awareness of the impact of HIV and AIDS by focusing on the implications of new scientific research on the global response, increasing the capacity of delegates to advocate for keeping the issue of HIV at the top of the global agenda, highlighting the state of the HIV epidemic and progress in research and worldwide HIV prevention .

The 5th UNAOC Forum and the Youth Event

Vienna, Austria, 26 – 28 February 2013;



The Global Youth Forum – ICPD Beyond 2014; Bali

Indonesia, 4 – 6 December 2012

co-organized by the Government of Indonesia and the UNFPA in collaboration with the UNFPA Country Offices

To develop concrete YOUTH recommendations on key challenges and opportunities in relation to health, education, jobs, relationships & rights and youth participation. These recommendations will go directly to the UN Secretary General and will influence the global development agenda ICPD beyond 2014

5th African Scientific Symposium on Cardiovascular diseases (Hypertension)

Douala, Cameroon, 26 – 28 October 2012




XIX International AIDS Conference;

Washington DC, USA, 22 -27 July 2012



Towards an HIV Cure Scientific Symposium

Washington DC, USA, 19 – 21 July 2012



The 3rd People’s Health Assembly;

Cape Town, South Africa, 6 – 11 July 2012



6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention

Rome, Italy, 20 – 25 July 2011



The 3rd International Youth Leadership Training;

Dakar, Senegal; 19 December 2010 – 2nd January 2011










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