2010: YOWLI BURUNDI was founded in December 2010 by a team of university students (University of Burundi) mostly female medical students following the participation of one of its founding members to the African Women’s Millennium Initiative (AWOMI) leadership training in Dakar, Senegal. AWOMI provided a start-up funding to ignite the founding of YOWLI BURUNDI.
2011: YOWLI BURUNDI became registered in July 2011 as a non-profit organization legally authorized by the Ministry of Home affairs to operate in Burundi.

Journey so far 2011 – today
YOWLI BURUNDI has partnered with more than twenty international donors including UN Agencies (e.g., UNFPA, UNAIDS, UNWOMEN, WHO, UNODC), multilateral donors (e.g., The Global Fund, The Government of Canada through its Fund for Local Initiatives programme, The African Union, PROCASUR, International Land Coalition, International Youth Foundation, Merieux Foundation, The African Women’s Development Fund, AmplifyChange, CIVICUS, etc.), the Government of Burundi (e.g., Ministries of Gender, Health, Youth, Human Rights, Education), and local NGOs and CSOs in Burundi (e.g., Service Yezu Mwiza, Icirore c’Amahoro, RNJ+, etc.).